Hard Facts: Jeans are one of the most resource intensive and unsustainable garments to make. It takes anywhere between 3000-10000 Litres of water to make just a single pair, not to mention the associated carbon emissions. And yet 6 billion jeans get made from scratch every year.

So it blew our minds when we learnt that over 2.16 million metric tonnes of denim was getting thrown away every year. And that so much of it was in such great shape. We had to do something about it.

With fashion waste causing huge environmental issues, we realised that putting these denims back into circulation could be a good place to make a difference.

Who are we?

We are rescuers, curators and re-fashioners of awesome quality pre-owned denim.

What do we do?

Step 1: Sourcing and Sorting: Our team dives deep into piles of unwanted denim from all over the world and handpicks pieces so good that they are absolutely worth saving.

Step 2: Repairing & Renewing: At our very own upcycling studio, we quality check every square inch of the garment to make sure that it's got what it takes to last in your wardrobe for a long time. We launder & refresh it. If we notice minor areas that require repair, our master tailors mend them back to perfection.

Step 3: Refashioning: We remove all the original branding and turn the garment into Un Denim with our signature green pocket. While our entire process has been designed to reduce waste, reduce resource utilisation and reduce emissions as much as we can, we're always working on ways to be better.

What's the green pocket all about?

The best way to own a piece of sustainable fashion is to add more pre-loved and upcycled garments into your wardrobe. When you wear our green pocket jeans, you’re making a statement that you’ve taken the choice to choose a re-circulated garment.

It’s a symbol that these jeans are pre-loved, rescued & upcycled. It’s a sign that you helped save about 3600 Litres of water by choosing them. It’s a promise that you want to help reduce fashion waste.

Where do we upcycle our Denim?

Much of the world's fashion waste comes to India for processing. After sourcing from these sorting centers, we upcycle our products at our studio in Banaglore City, the Denim Capital & Silicon Valley of India.

What's the positive impact of choosing Un Upcycled Denim over newly made denim?

> 3600 litres of water is saved per pair of Un denim

> Re-using 1 kg of clothing saves 25kg of co2 emissions

Why we'd love your support.

We're not happy to just make a small difference. There are mountains of denim waiting for a second life. Mountains. We want to help make massive impact on a global scale. But big impact requires big thinking and boundless innovation.

When you support us at this stage in our journey, you aren't just helping rescue a garment from landfill, you're helping fund the development and innovation of our system design, our tech stack, our global retail platform.

If you believe that fashion needs a re-circulation revolution, your support will mean the world to us.